11 August 2011

Nimbuzz: Free Calls & Chat 2.0.8 (v2.0.8) Android Apk App

Nimbuzz: Free Calls & Chat v2.0.8

Requirements: Android 1.5+

Nimbuzz is everything you need to communicate for free.

Here is what you get:

- FREE Calls - HD quality calls to all your Nimbuzz contacts.

- FREE Messaging - Unlimited free chat. No extra costs.

- Cheap International Calls - Call mobile and landline phones for as low as 2c/min.

- SIP VoIP accounts – Connect to any of our existing SIP partners or to any other SIP provider.

- ALL IN ONE: Connect to your other accounts (Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger, AIM, ICQ, GoogleTalk, Facebook, MySpace and Hyves) and have all your friends in one list.


- ALWAYS ON: Appear always online and available to chat with Push Notifications. (Available for Android OS 2.2 or higher)

Nimbuzz is super popular and our 50+ million registered users prove that.

Nimbuzz can be installed on every popular smartphone and feature phone, so you can invite all your friends to join your network.

Are you on Twitter or Facebook? Good news, we are also, *cough, cough* :D


For more info please visit:

- http://blog.nimbuzz.com

- http://nimbuzzout.com

Thanks in advance for downloading Nimbuzz!

What's in this version:

Android Push (C2DM) - saves battery and allows you to appear online to your friends even if have the app closed.
Message Delivery Notifications - see when friends receive your messages.
Native phonebook integration - see Nimbuzz contacts in your phone’s native contact list and start a chat or a call with them, straight from there.
Bug fixes


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